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**We suggest contacting the retailer prior to your visit to confirm which products are currently on display or available.
Reach out to us for any other questions.
Do you have any question?
What is lead time for Lofra products?
The lead time (estimation) for in-stock products is 1-2 weeks and for out of stock products is 4-8 weeks.
I want to view a Lofra range cooker in person, where can I visit?
Our Flagship store is in Wolverhampton. The address is Carvers Interiors (Lofra UK HQ), Little’s Ln, Wolverhampton WV1 1JY. We also have several other partners around the country. Please view our dealers.
Are the Lofra cookers LPG compatible?
Yes, all the Lofra Cookers are LPG compatible.
Do you offer installation?
We offer installation to certain postcode areas. Please contact us on 01902 577060.